
TV Snippets

I used to love this show. I would crave it. When I visited Kelly in San Antonio I watched on DVD. No, it's not because it has "special" in the title. And no, it' s not completely because my man B.D. Wong (who incidentally also reads many of Laurence Yep's books-on-tape)is featured. It's because, generally, the storylines were gripping. But oh it has suffered. Mariska Hargitay is forced to wear her terrible haircut like some kind of metaphor for the show. Last week's episode was total proof. A man from Another YOUniverse (not, say, Second Life or anything) kidnaps and murders a woman cause her avatar looks like the girl he "rescued" 25 years earlier. This is the best you can come up with? How stupid, although the headquarters of "AY" were super cool, want to work there. You know what I would have done if they had the foresight to have me write this show? I would have had a woman call in a rape -then it turns out to be a virtual rape but she's got all the emotional/psychological side effects so Casey (who you will remember is a rapist herself) decides to go ahead and prosicute. And Elliot gets mad. Wouldn't that be better??? Kudos to casting for hiring a hot new Native American dectective though.

Don't really watch this one either. If it were called Wilson. Or even better All Wilson All the Time and No One Else. Then, I wouldn't miss it. But I watched this week because Kumar has joined the show. There was the stupid mystery and stupid Cameron came back with her stupid hair and stupid ways. But the new fellow competition is adorable and you know I love Cutty. No Foreman and barely any Cameron - YAY!

Private Practice
I decided to try it since Addison is the only thing worthwhile on Grey's Anatomy. That's right, you heard me. The show also features Tim Daly so helllllooo of course I can't miss it now right?? And it's a very cute show. I'm kind of loving it until - sick baby. Nooooo. Then turns out sick baby has been switched so the women (in a blantant plot contrivance) have to give each other back the original babies. And no, lie, I'm like sobbing on the couch. The most heartbreaking part was when Mama#1 hands over the healthy baby and takes unhealthy baby. But Mama#2 isn't cuddling or even looking at healthy baby (i'm sure they had names but I'm trying to detach here). So Mama#1 is trying to encourage her to hug the baby and you can just see in her eyes that all she wants is to know that the baby she's been raising and loves is going to be loved, that if she can just know the baby is loved then she can deal. Ugh, damn you show.

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