
Friday Night Lights up my life

This episode debuted on the internet a few weeks before the actual television debut so I sort knew what was going to happen. But didn't care. Oh, and also, Wes Anderson - take note, if NBC is doing it then you are not so clever. I will not see your new movie.

Last season wrapped up with the Panthers (hey, my hometown mascot is the Panther and if you were girl you were the mildly insulting Lady Panthers and if you were in middle school you were the really insulting Baby Panthers) anyway, the Panthers won the state championship, shocking no one. But Coach took a job in Austen shocking everyone and sparking the massive fan push to keep the show. Thank god.

So now it's summertime. Pool time. Julie is a lifeguard - whatever. I'm surprised she can see anyone in peril through those giant bangs of hers. Matt and Landry sit poolside staring at the ladies while Riggins (yum) actually does something about it. Smash is all about Smash and hope you didn't blink cause that's all you see of him this episode. You'll nothing of his bipoler bore. Start cheering now. Then Tami waddles in frame in the cutest pregnancy swimsuit ever! Where did she find it? Not that I was going to go within 300 yards of a pool when I was pregnant or anything... There's some cute banter about how she's not here to spy on Julie (she totally is) when her water breaks.

Then, the birth scene we've all been dreading...except it's awesome. Really awesome. There's no hysterics, Tami has wisely opted for an epidural. She does wish Coach were there and he makes it. Julie looks wonderfully uncomfortable but amazed at the whole process. And then Connie has a realistic looking newborn named Grace. Cue the music - It's Friday Night Lights season two ya'll.

Julie is a pill. She got what she wanted and still isn't happy. Julie is me and I am Julie. Hate her if you must but I feel her teenage pain. She has a thing for the other lifeguard who's in a band. I crushed on a boy in a band once... see,the paralells are uncanny! I also have bangs. Anyway, the "swede" (seriously, what is a swedish person doing in rural texas - that is the worst exchange program ever.) has a girlfriend, a much older girlfriend. So Julie calls her dad who is understandably upset.

Matt is boring, how weird. Get cool again Matt.

Landry and Tyra kill a guy. I'm pretending this didn't happen. But the guy was - DIDN'T HAPPEN. No, then Landry hit - DIDN'T HAPPEN. Oh, ok, fine.

Lylah is really into Jesus. To an annoying degree. It involves flyers. Ugh. Tim Riggins meets her in a parking lot and says, "You're still the best. Still number one. Never had better." - see you think he's saying it to Lylah but he's actually talking to the short dark haired girl who suddenly popped into the television. Then they jump on the hood of his car and make crazy wild Riggins love. It's true.

Jason Street - who?

Oh, and the new coach predictably sucks but I enjoy hoping he heat strokes out.


Wow, USA shells out buck for new intro

Truth be told, I never intended to add the third Law and Order to my viewing list. I didn't like Vincent D. or Kathryn Erbe and was fine with the Orignal and the Special. But then TNT had a marathon and I, like countless others, was thrilled to not have to think what I was going to have to do that day and tuned in. Now I love me some Goran and Eames though I'm not too down with Big and Tiny (or whatever those other two detectives are called).

The best thing about moving to USA - a new intro! It's super souped up! AWESOME! Even Danny had to admit it was worth jumping around and clapping - stopping short of air guitar.

Unfortunately, this episode was a little dull. Goran comes off of grief leave early to help Eames when her murdered husband's old partner gets himself murdered. This might be a good storyline if Katheryn Erbe could pull it off but she's just not that great an actress. Poor Goran is regulated to being bloated and weird on the sidelines.

Right away Goran realizes there is something wrong with other officer's story about going the bathroom when the victim was shot. But since he's a cop everyone gets mad at Goran for even suggesting he might be a big fat liar. Luckily the guy has a terrible eyesight problem that gives him a blind spot in the middle? or something? Anyway, Goran is right as usual. The guy was actually in his "girlfriends" car and didn't see the shooter. But he wanted to pin it on a Korean ganglord for some reason ...I'm guessing that reason has to do with our little friend Red Herring.

Anyway, it's off to victim's funeral where Eames remembers her husband and Goran stays outside. The guy's son rides up on the skateboard's retarded cousin and sqawks on about the "crazy" detective who let his dad's killer go and how "weird and hated" this detective is. Goran actually looks upset by this and I call "bullshit". Goran has never been bothered by how other detectives/cops view him. Never. So why start now? And why with a bratty little kid? Goran likes children but I can't see him being bothered by what they say. Oh did I mention this new skateboard thing is really dumb looking?

Then, another person rides up on another stoopid skateboard and shoots a guy. Of course, this guy helped put away Eames husbands killer too so now we've got a conspiracy. A boring one but there you go. They visit Joe's (the husband) killer in jail and Eames gets all "mad" i guess? The guy claims innocent and since this is Criminal Intent and Goran is on the case, you know that he is.

In the end, it was the innocent man's son - trying to get revenge for his father's unfair incarceration. Lamest motive ever. To top it all off the real killer was a kid himself when the shooting occured and became a doctor. Ha, did you think you were going to make it through a whole show without some patented slap you about the face L&O irony??.

Welcome back detectives, hope you enjoy your new network and new intro! I know I do!


TV Snippets

I used to love this show. I would crave it. When I visited Kelly in San Antonio I watched on DVD. No, it's not because it has "special" in the title. And no, it' s not completely because my man B.D. Wong (who incidentally also reads many of Laurence Yep's books-on-tape)is featured. It's because, generally, the storylines were gripping. But oh it has suffered. Mariska Hargitay is forced to wear her terrible haircut like some kind of metaphor for the show. Last week's episode was total proof. A man from Another YOUniverse (not, say, Second Life or anything) kidnaps and murders a woman cause her avatar looks like the girl he "rescued" 25 years earlier. This is the best you can come up with? How stupid, although the headquarters of "AY" were super cool, want to work there. You know what I would have done if they had the foresight to have me write this show? I would have had a woman call in a rape -then it turns out to be a virtual rape but she's got all the emotional/psychological side effects so Casey (who you will remember is a rapist herself) decides to go ahead and prosicute. And Elliot gets mad. Wouldn't that be better??? Kudos to casting for hiring a hot new Native American dectective though.

Don't really watch this one either. If it were called Wilson. Or even better All Wilson All the Time and No One Else. Then, I wouldn't miss it. But I watched this week because Kumar has joined the show. There was the stupid mystery and stupid Cameron came back with her stupid hair and stupid ways. But the new fellow competition is adorable and you know I love Cutty. No Foreman and barely any Cameron - YAY!

Private Practice
I decided to try it since Addison is the only thing worthwhile on Grey's Anatomy. That's right, you heard me. The show also features Tim Daly so helllllooo of course I can't miss it now right?? And it's a very cute show. I'm kind of loving it until - sick baby. Nooooo. Then turns out sick baby has been switched so the women (in a blantant plot contrivance) have to give each other back the original babies. And no, lie, I'm like sobbing on the couch. The most heartbreaking part was when Mama#1 hands over the healthy baby and takes unhealthy baby. But Mama#2 isn't cuddling or even looking at healthy baby (i'm sure they had names but I'm trying to detach here). So Mama#1 is trying to encourage her to hug the baby and you can just see in her eyes that all she wants is to know that the baby she's been raising and loves is going to be loved, that if she can just know the baby is loved then she can deal. Ugh, damn you show.


Heroes Heroic Return

Yay!!! The best show currently on television is back in action! BLISS!

Basically last season ended with a "bang" - hee, it's a pun because the Petrelli brothers blew up! Read the prior post if you didn't catch the extravaganza.

Now, it's four months later and here is what people are up to:

Mohinder - Indian Doctor Extrodranaire
He's in India giving not very well attended lectures and standing in front of his projector. Move outta the way 'hinder! Get a Gore Crane or something. Talking with a map across your face is very ineffective although I do appreciate your attempt to cover up that hair cut. Basically, all he gets out of this is letting 10 people know that heroes can have a virus. Then he's contacted by a member of The Syndicate or whatever they call themselves. Dude can change any metal into gold so we'll call him the Bespectacled Alchemist. I'm sure he's got a real name but I can't keep up. Anyway BA wants Mo to track down and cure heroes with the virus. Cause Mo's blood IS the cure. It's like every paranoid schizophrenics worst nightmare. Mo agrees but it's just doing it as a ruse to help out Mr. Bennet. He sneakily cures, wait for it... THE HAITIAN!! Hooray! Welcome back guy. Then it's back to New York where he now lives with

Matt - Psychic Detective and Loser
Matt Parker used to be my favorite character. He was lovable and honorable, had a hot wife and a baby on the way. But that was last season - now he's annoying and questionable, lost the wife and lives with 8 year old Molly Walker. I guess I can't blame him cause Molly is about the most irritating little girl on the planet but come on Matty boy where's the spunk? And why is he not all concerned about his own child? Boo. Anyway, he's made new york detective by shooting black people. He's worried about Molly's dreams where someone uberevil is stalking her. Creeeeeppppyy. He interrogates Mama Petrelli about Kaito's murder and she screams him out of her head. Way to go mama! Matt reacts like he's been slapped and I have to give some kudos to Greg Grunberg because he does a good job with the mental acting. Speaking of Mama Petrelli....

Nathan "I've got a Rooster Nest on my Face" Petrelli
I don't even know what to say...the beard...it's...terrible. I know he's supposed to all hard up and stuff but, seriously? That is the best the costume folks could come up with? It reminds me of those godawful Domninoes commercials hocking the new oreo pizza. I can't look at it. So I don't. Next!

Peter Petrelli - MMMMMMM
He lives! I so knew he would but it's still exciting when they open up his box and there he is. I don't know about the new physique...I like Milo skinny but I'll take it anyway I can. He's all confused and doesn't know who he is and being in Ireland home of the whiskey doesn't help. So he's taken to (where else) a bar and thankfully not given a shirt. He gets beaten up, discovers his powers and is washed down by an Irish lass. Being the superhero hero that he is he busts loose and saves the day! Sweet. Saving the day a few hundred years earlier is...

Everyman's Hiro
In the most predictable plot line thus far, Hiro is setting up to be his personal hero Takezo Kensei who is actually a drunk british expat - is there any other kind? Anyway, to keep history on track he takes up the mask and saves the girl then nobly allows the brit to take the credit. This would all be a snoozefest if it weren't for the totally adorable/sweet/complex way of Hiro. Awww....

Spanish twins
One thing I really like about this show is that they aren't afraid of subtitles. They understand that when you are Japanese you speak Japanese. I like that. So the fact that the twins speak Spanish does not bother me. Nor does their slightly incestuous feeling relationship. In fact, I think it's kind of hot. What does bother me is the stupid nature of their 'powers'. First off, ummmm, how are you infected with the black oil? Call Mulder! Change shows! Second of all, quit whinnnnnyyyyinng. This duo had better get either naked or dead real fast.

Clairebear and Papa
Mr. Bennet is still supergreat. He takes a job at a "kinkos" to help hide his family. Unfortunately for him he's got a huge softspot for his indestructible daughter. Who happens to be an idiot. But I let it slide because she's 16 and we were all idiots then. And she can't help that she was spoiled rotten for the first part of her life. At school Claire meets West who can fly and who is pretentious. I miss her old gay boyfriend. I think West needs a better power than flying, like maybe the ability to only make eastward turns? Then you could have some irony. Anyway, Claire sucks at being inconspicuous what with jumping off tall things and wearing shirts that barely cover her nipples. In the end she decides to lop off a toe to see if it grows back and it does! Ewwwwwww! One wonders if the chopped off toe grew another Claire. Unfortunately, West is a perv and sees the whole thing through her window. He leaves her Chandra Suresh's book which is pointless seeing as Claire has lived it.

Ando is still Ando and I love him. Kaito gets pushed off a building. Bye!

Where art thou?
Nikki - don't care.
Micah - meh.
Sylar - previews on an island!!! How very Jordon Collier of you.

What did you think of the first two eps?


Good bye forever Peter Petrelli

Aw, it's over! The best show on television and now I have to wait HOW many months to find out what's going on with Hiro??? Thank god 4400 is a summer show.

I loved the finale. Loved the "tracking device", loved a soft Bennett and a hard Bennett. "What am I thinking?", "Your last thought" BLAM! BAD ASS! Didn't like Mohinder's hair or his perperpual confusion. Isn't he supposed to be a genius? Hope Matt isn't dead...

Glad to see the Niki/DL/Micah storyline wrapped up. I have a feeling we'll see an older Micah in the second season (Vol. 2 - Generations *eeeee*) but let's pray it's the end of this split diatribe.

Didn't Peter look awesome all nuclear? Though the redemption of Nathan did spark a debate as to what sort of damage a nuclear explosion would have in space.

Sylar drags himself down a drain...whhhaaat? I don't know...that's stretching it but I'm glad he appears to be alive. And Simone came back for dreamscape - good for her.


Clairebear's got a gun nah nah nah nahnunnn

I skipped AI this week due to sleeping. Also, because no body told me how cute that Bee Gee is!!
Perhaps, I should start taping....

Heroes was pretty awesome. Except I didn't like the contrived Sylar is screwed up cause his mom loves snowglobes or whatever. Very pat for a show that has gone out of it's way to avoid easy explanations. I loooovved the living snowglobe scene, beautiful.

I love this show.

Oh, the library has no air conditioning. In May. In Georgia. Fucking county jobs.


Jovi me all night long

So, I have a confession. I've kiiiiinnd of been avoid Idol. It's just boring and I don't think that's the sobriety talking. With the exit of Sanjaya I lost all interest. I didn't even turn it on last week because, seriously, inspirational songs? And Idol Gives Back? There's something about Dr. Phil and Ben Stiller "helping" poor children that makes me want to throw up. The trainwreck that is decadence meets guilt... Plus, watching children in crisis just makes me cry these days. I heard "Natalie Holloway" the other day and sure enough, a little tear.

I'm also waiting for the exposure of where the money actually went - maybe I'm cynical.

What could bring me back you ask? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jon Bon. Awesome. I talked to my mom and told her Jon Bon was on (cause I had to take the mother call even though it meant only half paying attention to Idol, which in turn means I only half paid attention to her. I can't decide which is worse.) Anyway, she was excited as well.

We begin. Blah blah Seacrest. He's ditched the suit for a more relaxed look featuring his waxy chest. Next!

There's my man - is he wearing!?!? Ah, damn I thought his shirt said Phil Stacey but it says Philly Soul. Speaking of Phil, he's up first. Jon likes him mainly because Phil is gushing about how he's been practicing Blaze of Glory for years or something. On all other occasions (the J Lo drool, the Bennet kiss ass) I would call bullshit on this. However, this time, I think he's telling the truth. He rips it out - Shot dooooonwwwwnnn in a blaazzze of glooorrry. Yes. I love Young Guns. Also, Young Guns 2. And if there ever (god please) is a Young Guns 3 I will love it as well. Phil sounds good but the combination of his dome, brows and balls is still too overwhelming. He's like a giant Mr. Potato head in desperate need of some new parts.

Then there's Jordin who says, "My mom is gonna freak out!" ahahahaha. Poor Jon is none too pleased with this comment. Hey man, maybe her mom is hot! She sings Livin' on Prayer which is my favorite. She slaughters it though. It sucks. I'm bummed cause I like Jordin. How can you mess up Livin on a Prayer? Her Diana Ross hair leaves much to be desired as well.

Kiki banters with Ryan. He's cute, I'll admit it. She says she's never heard Bon Jovi. What the fuck people????? Jon quickly forgives her though when she totally does This Ain't a Love Song justice. Bad. ASS!!!! She stomps around the stage in a display of female strength and sensitivity, she makes the song her own without destroying it's original intent (Blake). It wins her a kiss from Simon. Barf.

Blake. Is. Dead. To. Me.

There is a fan sign that reads "Blake you make me Ache" - I'm going to take this the only way I can and give the tween major props for having a sexual awakening on national television.

Chris, once again compared to Justin Timberlake for no reason. He looks sick of it and I don't blame him. Hee, he says "someone had to do it" about his song choice, Wanted Dead or Alive. Well, you know...I mean, look someone had to do it. Too bad it's Chris. He doesn't sound too bad but he's giving the creepy eye. I don't like it. Quick hold up a mirror to deflect the gaze!

Melinda. Ok, this confirms it. Have a Nice Day and she rocks it. I'm on the Melinda bandwagon ok. Officially. When Paula asks her how she likes rocking, Melinda puts on an exhausted face with a grin and ironically makes the hard core sign. Love it. Love her. Love being won over in the final hours.

And just in case you weren't sure if this country isn't in the middle of some horrible bar joke - the Bush's show up to thank America!

Fucking George and Laura Bush. Unbelievable.


a couple of reviews

Ok, so I've really slacked off the last couple of weeks. I just can't seem to stay awake from 7:30-9 which means I miss everything!! I missed Heroes because of class so I'm hoping to GOD it comes on this Friday. Did you see the controversy over Heroes close ties to Watchmen. They are worried plot twist in the movie will be given away. Personally, I'm way more into Heroes than I ever was with Watchmen, I mean good book but meh. Bring on the Clairebear any day.

Here's a few reviews:

Shugo Chara - looooovvvveedd it! It's a super cute shojo about a girl wanting to reveal her true self. So she gets this eggs that hatch into little people who can transform her. It's funny and adorable and has enough visual flair to work you into a fit! I gave it a starred review.

My heavenly Hockey Club - Boo. It's a sad knock off of Ouran High Host Club. The main character spends most of the time sleeping. How boring is that? Narcolepsy doesn't exactly lend itself to good character development. When she isn't sleeping, she's complaining. You're on free vacations with hot guys, SHUT UP. One cool thing was I got the prepublished version which I love getting with manga because it includes editor notes and stuff.



I think you know what I'm talking about....

In other news, the greatest hoyay show on the planet Friday Night Lights is being replayed on Bravo! I know, Bravo!! Fabulous.

And Heroes is coming back.


In the way that buffets are "chinese"

Oooh calente! It's Pretend to be Latina week - which means we roll out the carpet for fame whore Yennifer Lopez, give the guys some Depp and let the girls stain their teeth with their fire-engine red lipstick. Also, it means singing a slew of Gloria Estevan songs and really fucking them up. Shall we...it's...Latin-ammmmerrrican Idol!

God, I am so sick of these themes based around the people they get. Next week, country. Gross. And there's already a show about country idols. I wish they would go back to actual entertaining themes or be themeless and just let these guys wail. It's not like the "master" classes are helping any.

Anyway, we start off with...

Melinda which is just as well - let's get it over with. She's singing Sway me Now and trying to be sexy, "I'm so not sexy"....I didn't want to be the one to say it but since you said it first.... Having my grandmother's hairstyle isn't helping her case at all. But her voice and the way she's singing this song? Pretty amazing. She finally drops the act and seems comfortable in the spotlight. Dare I say it - am I "swayed?"

Kiki - in bright red lipstick, of course. We get a whole schitck with J Lo teaching her how to say "conga", as if. WOW BOOBS! Why do people do this song? It's that really fast one by, who else, Ms. Estevan. Want to know something sad? I used to adore this song because I thought the lyrics went "love to hear her passion, love to hear it" and I thought it was about a woman who maybe lived underneath a hot latin couple who liked to have crazy loud sex to music and she would listen to it and get into the 'beat wink wink' and manage to have a good old time herself. But, thanks to this show and the number of people who can't sing this song fast enough, I now know that the lyrics are "love to hear percussion" and the song is just about liking drums and dancing. Kiki is of course butchering it but the band is doing a nice job, maybe even some authentic Mexicans in that group. What do her parents shirts say?

Chris - singing Smooth by Rob Thomas and Santana. What would be really cool is if Santana was there or hell, even Rob Thomas. But instead we get Lopez and Chris Richardson. I know. Ew, he made the hourglass sign. And. He sucks. He can't sing this song at all. You know what else? I have had it with that red light.

Haley - god, those shorts. She's singing another Gloria song, Feel the Beat. Can't go fast enough and over compensates with shouting. She blows. I'm so glad she went home. If this were an Act Like a Parade Horse Idol, she would win.

Phil - who's got a major boner for J Lo. Speaking of, why does she keep looking at the camera? He's singing Maria. I hate this song. I guess he sounds ok, downright genius by his standards. What's with the hat? Stupid phil and his stupid hats!

Jordin - ANOTHER Gloria Estevan song. She looks good but I'm changing the channel...

Blake - awww, ok he can be kind of cute. A decent fansign - Shake N' Blake! I like it. He sounds good and owns the song, per usual. I like him this week.

Is Paula wearing a wig?

Sanjaya - he's grown some facial hair! They are trying to make him look as Mexican as possible - hahahhaha. It's brilliant. And we have to give him some credit because he's the only contestant to actually sing something in Spanish. He does it well too. Next week Danny and I are going to start voting for him, since it's getting down to the wire. He handles all the criticism and Ryan's assholiness really well.

That was the show. Of course, I left out all the self-congratulatory crap that is surrounding Idol Gives Back.



Yup, I went and saw and at full price none the less! Beforehand we stopped to eat at a place that was called International Buffet but I didn't feel like I could eat anything there and survive so I demanded that Danny demand our money back. The guy was all "sure" as if it happened all the time.

Anyway, 300 was beautiful. Just like a moving graphic novel! Even more so than Sin City. Gratuitious T and A but that's to be expected;)

I highly recommend it.


Screw you bitch

So, ok, I've been really handling stupid comments pretty well. Like the old guy who (upon hearing Fox's name) said, "Don't do that to the poor boy." Did I mention his name is Hershal?

Or the guy who keeps "joking" you had those 3 babies yet? Riiiigggghhhtt, because I'm just so huge. I get it. Move ON!

But today I nearly lost my cool. To put money on your library card to print, you scan your barcode underneat a tiny barcode laser. Small than the ones at the store. Anyway, I show a woman how to do it and she's all "No, I can't. Should you be by this machine?" I kind of laugh, because calling this worthless money taker a machine is pretty rich. Then I'm all, "yeah". So finally she scans the card looking all worried, saying "I guess I'm old fashioned" and I'm thinking "or stupid". To put her mind at ease I say, "It's not like it contains radiation or anything". She goes, "Well, it does though." No you stupid fucking cunt it doesn't. No, no wait you're right. Here in the library we expose patrons to small amounts of radiation all in the name of printing! Then she's like, "I guess I'm just cautious and care about the state of unborn children".



Sing it stupid.

At first I was glad I was out of town last Tuesday. I had enough of Gwen Stefani back in 2000 so I really don't need the annoying pout and asian rip off here in '07. Then, I saw Sanjaya. Man, I love that kid. It's the first time I was ever thankful for having video on a phone. In this weird Sanjaya run universe I actually agree with Howard Stern and disagree with Randi Rhodes.

Mentored by Tony Bennet!!! Oh god, fucking WHY?? First the 60s and now Tony Bennet. Even Seacrest is dressed all in black for this funeral. Randy is wearing sparkly stuff. Paula looks like a themed dog calendar and Simon is in a t-shirt. Ahahaha, Tony is wearing a mustard coat with some stylish wire frames. Those glasses are huge! I have to say, it's nice to see a man act his age - you hear me Kenny Rogers?

Singing Mack With a Knife. Tony wants to shut Blake's "beat" down. Ew, Blake actually curled his lip. He sounds ok, I wish I knew or liked this song. It's about sharks and shark bites...or poker maybe..or church. It's confusing. I think Blake will go to the end. He's pretty charismatic. Randy thought this was the perfect song for him because he's "jazzy cool". Paula says "pizazzzzzz" "hip cat". In an upnote, the commercial features one of my favorite old songs "What'll I do".

Mr. Bean and Harry Potter are on line for the "Idol Give's Back" thing....

Leukemia Phil
It must be senior home day. Phil is in an atrocious argyle sweater and needs to shave his receding hairline again. Tony Bennet is going deaf, he mentions something about Phil being a good singer... He's singing Day and Night, ugh, it's terrible. His head keeps wiggling back and forth, he's over the top and is channeling Yul Brenner but not cool King and I Yul Benner, more like two weeks from dead Yul Brenner. His family wears Vote Phil shirts, not FOR Phil. Just Vote Phil. Simon hits it on the head "there was no life in this performance".

Who is this person? I've never seen this big headed munchin before... must be a glitch, I'll just change my television....beep.

Hoorah! Viewer question: Leeann of Georgia - how do you choose a song? Boo, Leeann, that was a boring question.

Chris (the one left)
Mr. Saturday Dance - a Duke Ellington song. My favorite illustrators illustrated a book called Ellington was Not a Street. I wish I were reading that book instead of watching Chris and his suspenders smooze aroung stage. He's so...average. His voice, his pointy smile - oh wow, Randy loved it. I don't get it...

According to Tony singing in tune is rare these days...hmm, he must have caught Gwen Stefani's new album. Jordin sounds good and I still love her name. She's such a Bond girl. She's only minimally smoozy which is the main problem with this genre. She takes it up and has fun with it. I do too, bravo Jordin. WOW, a decent sign - Sparkin a Jordin! I can only assume that all over America people are lighting up giant jordins.

Smile by Charlie Chaplin. Here's what I think of when I hear Charlie Chaplin - Marilyn Monroe screwed his son. Here's what Tony B thinks of - soldiars in Iraq. Clearly, he needs to get out more. Gina is made up like a cheap hooker, I think she's got the wrong war. It's not Vietnam sweetcheeks. She's boring and probably in danger of going home this week. You know how I would have done this song? Like an angry demand, like my mother right before church and right after the huge fight we had in the car.

Aw, his goal is to make American realize that he really can sing. He's "singing" Cheek to Cheek. Yay!!!! They have him gussed up like a total lounge lizard. He looks great and by great I mean drunk and depressed in a smoke filled room at 4 a.m. Would you want him any other way? Oh and he sang some too. Sign reads: Sanjaya is my Papaya - I have no idea what that means but kudos for trying. Did you hear the latest conspiracy? The people in India's call centers are constantly voting from their cubicles. I don't buy this theory because I know for a fact that these people are too busy miscommunicating with cingular customers.

Viewer question: Are you more nervous for the crowd or the judges? Haley cops out and chooses both. Tony rips her a new one since she doesn't understand the song. See the song, is all about loving one person but Haley and her boobies like to play it up for every straight man in the house. She sounds ok, but is acting really dumb. Like a flapper from the 20s - which would be ok if it was 20s week. No scratch that - it would still be annoying. As for her voice? Meh. Oooohhh, the judges don't like it and Simon calls them out on not commenting on the performance than cracks "you've got good legs".

I think she's singing Stormy Weather - oh, yeah, ok she is. It's good but too slow. Ooo, she pulled up her skirt. Haley needs to take a lesson from Kiki. Confident sexpot is always more seductive than loose cheerleader. As usual she rocks.

OK, let's hope next week isn't Mick Jagger or some shit. My prediction - Haley or Gina walk tomorrow.

Shakugan No Shana vol. 1

So, I've decided not to post my official review - since "officially" I don't think I own it. Nor do I think Library Journal will come after me but you never know. If you want to read the actual review (thrilling I know) you can check out their Express Reviews on their website.

Anyway, Shakugan No Shana is pretty sad. The artwork is generic and looks computer generated. Now, I'm not totally opposed to this and know that, in fact, most manga/gns go through some computer at some stage - but this was just so canned. A teenager with a copy of Manga Studio could have done it.

The storyline is confusing. And they put everything in quotation marks!!! Boo translators. Part of the problem is that it's a poor adaptation. Apparently, the novel is a big hit. But so was Socretes in Love and the manga of that just sucked balls.

The final verdict - no reason to bother.

The anime looks very cool though....


Mmmm pudding

Man, I love Friday Night Lights! I love it like I love Terrance Howard in a speedo. I love it like I love sleeping on rainy mornings.

This week kicks off with Street getting shot down on the murderball court but scoring big on the luuuvvv court! The tattoo girl takes him to some awesome replica of stonehenge. I want to go there. They talk, they make out. I mean, I saw it coming but it was still good. I am definately not in Camp Lylah. Anyone who has more self awareness while drunk.... (referring to the last episode). Jason later admits to Lylah that he's not sure if he wants to be engaged.

Speaking of Dillon High's resident troubled cheerleader, she's having a rough go of things. All of this would have been easier on her if she weren't such a clueless idiot but let's just think of this as her awakening. First, she yells at Jason that it's not ok to have an affair just because she did. And here's why I love this show - it's just like a high school romantic to call cheating on their "relationship" and "affair". Then, she figures out that Buddy Daddy is a Fuddy Daddy who, um, fuds everything in sight. She gets her revenge by driving through his business windows. Then leaves the evidence right in plain site! At least she made it out with her panties this time;)

Next up is Bangs. Coach is thinking about taking that job offer and Bangs is pissed. Bangs is pretty much me in highschool - how so you ask? Reletively liked by teachers yet not exactly on the straight and narrow, totally into geeky boys despite attempts to look otherwise and constantly irritated at my parents. The gist is that she doesn't want to leave Matt - I mean, who would? He's the best!! In the end, Coach postpones the decision while NBC scrambles to save this awesome show.

Then we have Riggins. Ahhhhh, Riggins. Sweet boozy Riggins who's putting the moves on the mommy next door. I'm really beginning to warm up to this storyline! She pushes him away the first time but then waits and takes him after an all night beer drinking, playing football bond session. Ew? But...hot. In my mind, they do it in the shower so he can get clean.

Smash looks for a way to break up with crazy Waverly. Understandable, especially when you're that age. Actually, you know what - I wouldn't blame you at any age. Dealing with mental health issues is a big deal and no one can do it alone, especially when the loved one is refusing treatment....I'm just saying.

I can't wait until next week.


Survive this

So, Survivor made a Wednesday appearance last night and if the producers thought I would pass up Friday Night Lights for this tripe - well, they were sorely mistaken.

I did watch on commercials and clearly didn't miss much. Basically the red headed self professed Latina, Lisi was sent to exhile island for being picked last/most hated. She handles it well...lots of moaning about wanting to go home. We share a common desire!

Then Rocky is a giant asshole. I'm so sick of this guy. He reminds me of Brian who won some years back. Despite being a total prick, people seem to like or repsect him. Blech. He's hard to look at and a chauvenist to boot. Here's a few things that need not be done on Survivor ANYMORE:

thing 1. angry black man (I mean, come on. Between this show and Real World you would think all black men do is shout)

thing 2. sexy young things with low self esteem (strangely also a RW annoyance)

thing 3. male chauvenism - that's why last year was such a relief!

In the end, Moto is who I'm rooting for. The challenge was new and hard, with a Moto victory YAY! and Anthony goes home. Where he can be called a girl in reletive comfort.


Paula Paula Paula

Explains it all...she was abducted by aliens. Slightly amusing, I guess. She still claims sobriety and that she has "never been drunk" in her life. Oooookkkaayyy you drunk bitch.

Well, Ryan has been raiding my grandpa's closet and Danny's uncle's tie rack. He's a miniature gay dentist! And two mikes - is that necessary? Here come our idols, looking sharp some of you. Paula looks like a big orange Indian Jones heroine, which is to say - awesome and dirty. The theme is 60s British Invasion. Barf. It's no small secret but I don't like. *big breath* the Beatles. None of them, not even Ringo. Hmm, did not know that Dusty Springfield was British. Who? Who are these fucking mentors? Peter someone works the boys, and Lulu someone else works with the girls - ahahahaa the guys name is Peter NOONE!! Indeed.

Tell Him I think He's Perfect. Lulu thinks Haley is Mediocore. Haley thinks Lulu is Useful. Out of the gate, she sounds too timid. And snapping. and wearing little boy shorts. The whole thing is pretty desperate. I mean, the song is cute and so is she but her voice falls under the snare drum. Somehow the crowd confuses this total crap with greatness and gives her a standing ovation. Paula and Randy like it while Simon calls her a "naughty little thing".

Chris's goal for this week is to finally nail a song. Good luck with that one. Peter likes his look but not his voice. Everyone keeps talking about how hot this boy is but I just do not see it. Someone clue me in. Singing Don't Let the Sun Catch you Crying underneath some orange ass lights. He gets applause after the first line...again, what? He sounds like he's straining and this song is super boring. Ugh, he's so nasally. I wish this was a porn competition because for some reason I can see him excelling at that....in a weird Ron Jeremy kind of way.... oh it's over. Good. The judges like it, they blow.

When did trashy earrings come back in style? I used to love earrings but not really so much anymore. She's going to sing You Don't Have to say you Love Me. It's a big arrangement, interesting. She sounds beautiful and looks good in a blue minidress - god those boots. I know you're wading through shit on this show sweetie but those boots can stay at home. I try to focus on the song, cause it's a good one and Stephanie is working it. Whaaatt? Randy doesn't like it, Paula likes the clothes (she is high tonight!!! yay!!) and Simon forces a self-evaluation. They make us do that at work now. Bitches. What am I supposed to say about myself besides that I'm super awesome? It's a catch-22.

Ooops, I missed him cause I was picking up Danny but apparently whatever he did was cream. Everyone is screaming. The signs this year really suck as well, I mean "Blake is Great"? I mean, come ON people. Aw, Ryan Seacrest can kind of dance.

Lakisha a.k.a. Kiki
Lulu and Kiki put on a stupid show that basically amounts to Lulu getting to sing on camera. Kiki ignores Lulu and sings Diamonds are Forever. She sounds good but this song isn't right for her. She's singing it ala James Bond. Doo doo dooooo daaaa waaaa, you know. no? This whole performance is bizarre. For once I can't wait to hear what the judges say. Oh, it's from a James Bond film! The crowd loved it but Randy accurately points out that there was "no Lakisha" in it. I hope she does better next week, like I said before, she reminds me of my friend Ayanna and I want my friends to win contests.

He's singing Tobacco Road. I've never heard of this song but he says it's fun to sing. Noone thinks it's a good choice. Oooo, back up people Phil is roking oot. Dare I admit it....it's a good song for him. He can yell and not sound stupid, then go low, kind of Elvis-like. He's got Paula on her feet, I didn't say steady, but on her feet none the less. Bravo Phil, you're still a weird ass though. Whaaaaaatttt? Mandy Moore is Phil's wife? Did you see that?

I like Jordin, she seems wise beyond her years. She's going to sing, I who Have Nothing. I who have no patience am not sure about this... Oh no, out come the orange lights again. Did Paula demand this? This song sounds like a broadway tune. Not that I'm knocking that, in fact in my kitchen this afternoon I was totally breaking out some Les Mis Eponine madness. Oh, right, the real singer's on stage. She's doing so good. She's loud but it's appropriate. Singing the words "I love you" is one of the hardest things to do. In my humble opinion, best all night. Paula has shed the velvet jacket to reveal a strange necklace of giant orangish blobs. The remind me of when Wes wore a poncho and a those chili lights for Halloween. But to keep them lit up he had to sit by an outlet all night, and we crashed this party so Kelly could piss off some bitch and Wesly sat against the wall telling everyone he was selling piping hot dog weiners. And me? I childishly thought it was hilarious.

Peter is trying to be nice...it's not working. Poor Sanjaya, he's singing You Really Got Me - the song of fast food commercials world wide. They've put him in a Rolling Stones jacked and glove things. He's trying to sex it up and causes a little girl to actually pull back in tears! I can't help how great I think Sanjaya is, I hope he stays. God damn, that little girl is falling apart!!! The judges actually like it, me too. It sounded strange but it worked - again little girl shot. This girl is going to be all over YouTube tomorrow. In various incantations of course.

AAAAHHHH, Gina said she tries not to look at critiques on blogs - was that a nod to me? I think it was. Gross. She's singing Paint it Black, of course she is. Cause she's dark. Get it. She's doing ok but compared to some of the others, it's not working. I don't really know what to say...it's just kind of what you would expect it to be. Let's put it this way - if you have to tell us you're hard core it kind of defeats the purpose.

Chrisdouce -
I missed him cause Shelby called and she is way more interesting. I like Chris though and I want him to go far. I did catch him asking noone about being sexy. You can tell that even though he's funny and has a hot wife, he's also insecure. It's ok Chris!!! I would never find you sexy but I would totally hook you up with my drunk friend!

And that last girl I missed on purpose because I'm pretending she doesn't exist.

Overall, a better show than last week.


12 Hopefull Dopefulls

Finally, we are down to the Top 12. These are the tour people so they actually (sort of) matter. In other happy news, turns out CI is the Law and Order getting the Anna Nicole saga!! I do love some Goran....

Wow, they are really patting themselves on the back, recalling some past winners...leaving out others - Rueben who? Ahahahhaha, Seacrest's mike isn't even on. And I have to say, he suit is atrocious, I hate that diarrhea tie. Can I also take this moment to say how much I dislike Sheryl Crow? She said AI was commercial (which last time I checked they weren't pretending to be anything else) and blah blah blah. Then you can catch her Herbal Essances commercial two seconds later. Go beat some cancer bitch. Kelly Clarkston's Proactive spots kick your ass.

OK, back to the 12. It's Diana Ross night. Good luck Idols. Diana and her hair "mentors" the Idols on their songs. She seems pretty cool

Brandon - blah blah Ross ass kissing. Aw, he says all little "I'm nervous". He's singing You Can't Hurry Love. He's been lied to by Diana cause he sounds like shit. It's just too quiet and passive and breathy. He's lurching around the stage like Frankenstein on a bender. OH he forgot the words...boo. Perhaps he should have worried more about that and less about the disturbing hip shake. BOOTED

Ugh, Melinda - I just. don't. know. I mean, ok, this woman has an amazing voice...but she's just so...................................> Wow, that was actually a cute exchange between Ryan and Simon. I wish I had it on tape. Ew, I also hate this girl's modesty. Grow some fucking confidence or at least quit faking the whole "doe in the morning" act. She's singing Home. I don't even enjoy this song or this musical. She sounds lovely but that's beside the point. The crowd and judge's cream themselves, of course. Paula sheds many a tear, I love it.

Chris - he's my favorite. He points out that he has the same hair as Diana. He's doing Endless Love, let's face someone had to do it. I'm glad it's Chris. Diana hates his rendition so I'll probably like it. Here he goes. He masturbates the microphone. He's ditched the glasses and put on a sport coat/t-shirt combo for the whole 80s feel. And he is rocking this dull ass song!! He gets it. I love when these fools understand what they are singing. The judges hate it.

Gina - she's going to sing Love Child cause she used to sing it when she was four. Now, remember Gina is this year's "rocker", you can tell cause she's wearing jeans with her heels. She sounds, ok. Not great though. She needs to quit strutting around and just stop and wail. Ryan said Gina like Justin would say it!!!

Sanjaya - oh mya. I do enjoy this weird little pixie man. I think he's the pick on Vote for the Worst, isn't he? Someone check on that for me. Diana believes that Sanjaya is "love", notice she didn't say "any good". Ain't No Mountain High Enough is his choice. Wow, his hair! Stunning. He could totally take the Westminster crown, it's so fluffy. I like his voice, it's unique. You can tell he's not comfortable though. Let me give him some advice. Sanjaya baby doll - you gay. mmmkay. Let it shine!! And girl, wigs are your friend. You're pretty, call me.

Haley - who you may know as The Girl who Should have Gone Last Week. She's singing Missing You and Diana believes she has a recording voice not a live voice. Hmm, turns this song is about missing Marvin Gaye, who knew? I'm not a fan of this girl but she is doing really well with this song. It's the best so far. I also like the dress. Classy. The judges don't like it cause she forgot the words and was pitchy. Simon didn't think it was that bad.

Phil - he just wants to get the song right...and damn, what is with Diana and Marvin Gaye? Ooops, I missed what he's singing ahahhahahha he forgot to switch out the sexes and he's "going to do all the things you want a girl to do". HOYAY! Too bad he looks like that guy who confessed to Jon Benet's murder. I guess he sounds ok, nothing special.

Lakisha - I never remember this girl, she goes by Kiki. Kiki is the name of my new favorite detective the cool ass Kiki Strike. Man, I missed what she's singing, I need to pay better attention. Oh it's God Bless the Child, depressing. This girl has cool voice, she talks like my friend Ayanna. I think this girl will bust out in the next few weeks if she can make it. She's winning me over, in fact, she brought the place down! Bravo Keeks.

Blake - he listens to indie music but lists Michael Jackson as his all time favorite artist. What? You Keep me Hangin On. He's dancing? I mean, I guess he's cool. I guess. I'm not sure how he updated the song besides adding some techno sounding background shit. Of course all the tweens luv it 2 de max.

Stephanie - singing Love Hangover wearing a curtain. She sounds good and is all womanly about things but there's something missing. Maybe it's the song...sort of boring. Judge's were waiting for it to get going as well.

Chris - another forgettable face. He's endearing being all flustered and stuffs. He's doing The Boss. I'm unfamiliar with this song... and I will continue to be so because I can't understand a word he's saying. He's so nasal. All of these men need to turn off Justin Timberlake, who is neither sexy nor back and has no place with idol imitators. Gross. Oh and his voice sucks ass. Danny thinks he sounds like the Maroon 5 singer, who used to be in Kara's Flowers who incidentally was the band behind the first dance choice at our wedding. I disagree with Danny on this one.

Jordan - Diana isn't very impressed with this girl. But she likes her smile and eyes, which is what you need to sing. If We Hold on Together from Land Before Time is the song choice. Funny. She's on the steps...a step singer. And you know what? She sounds exactly like she's singing a Disney theme song. If that was her goal, well then, mission accomplished. I feel bad for her going last, it's a tough spot because everyone including me is over it.

Damn, maybe it's the fact that this season I can't spend these two hours refilling my scotch and water but AI is severely lacking in the talent I have come to depend on. Also, Paula? Really needs to step up the meds cause she was way too coherent tonight.


Survivor sucks

There's really no other way to put it. I mean, there have been boring seasons (um, Africa) but this goes wayyy beyond that. I had low expectations to begin with. I mean, what could top the fabulousness that was Ozzy and Yul of last year. Or what could top last year's "social experiment" of race that actually turned out to be quite hearwarming if you left out the white people (whose unnappealing nature had a lot more to do with their age and vanity than skin color)? Nothing, that's what.

But this year's experiment is just stupid. Can well fed people preform better than starving ones? Uhhh, let's look at American schools - I mean, Fijian islands. Then you have the complete incompetency of the competitors. It's like they are going out of their way to play badly. Moto actually sacrificed a member to keep blankets. Have any of them ever watched season of survivor - sacrificing tribe members is hands down the dumbest thing you can do. You need those numbers, maybe not at that moment, but soon. Plus they lost Papa Smurf to a bad case of psychoutitis which made the move double stupid.

What really torks me this season is the horrible cast. Which is weird because recruiting worked very well last season - it's a big back fire this season though. They were going for a more diverse cast with only one cast member, Gary (papa smurf), actually filling out an application. I hate all of the choices with the exception of Earl and Yao Man who are both pretty boring. Here's the two people whom I hate the most:

Lisi - if you've ever wondered who's at the other end of that psychic hotline. It's this bitch. But she clearly can't see into the future or she wouldn't be cutting her own throat. You can't sit back and think you're running the game, cause you never are. I also hate her jealousy issues.

James a.k.a Rocky - he's abusive. I don't like watching angry people on television unless they are fictional criminals. I can't understand why he hasn't been booted yet - I mean, this tribe is kicking off people cause they fucking talk to much so why hasn't he left yet? Ugh, he just creeps me out.

I hope this season picks up or I'm going to give up on it.


Prohibit Hanzel from Breadcrumbing Gretel

Oh goody, the latest internet bill has come up! The Social Networking Prohibition Act - I guess they chose the name because prohibition has always worked so well in the past. It's a tamer version of a Georgia bill - SB 59 - which states that the owners of said social networking sites cannot legally allow a minor to sign up from a protected computer. What's a protected computer you ask? Any computer within the great State of Georgia yee haw. Now since this isn't a federal bill, I'm unsure of how an owner in New York can be prosecuted for it. I'm also confused as to who will be monitoring all the Georgia computers to make sure no minors sign up. It's a good thing minors don't know how to lie about their age online.

Here's the bill http://www.legis.ga.gov/legis/2007_08/fulltext/sb59.htm

OK, so here's my defense of public computers being used for mysp - I mean social networking sites. Information literacy is crucial to a comfy lifestyle, right? I mean, schools, colleges and professional workplaces demand a certain level of information literacy. Where's the one place you can utilize and practice these skills - such as, typing, uploading files, manipulating images, searching, managing simple webdesign, etc.? And where's the two places a child without a computer at home can access this - dare I use the word - tool? Ummmmm

I can see the concern and how, on the surface, it doesn't seem like Jenny Stupid Teenager posting pictures of her staining little Betty Hoeface's tennis shoes with cool aid vodka puke is a good thing but if we accept the idea of play as learning in children then we should assume that the same should be true of adolescents or even adults.

It is the responsibility of the parent to try and keep their children safe. Knowing what their child is doing at the library or at home is just a part of good parenting. And accepting that they probably don't know the half of it but that there's a fairly good chance the teenager will see adulthood is part of it too. I really feel for the children who become victims and I would hope to god that Fox would never have anything horrible happen to him - I just don't get how shutting down sites will shut down perverts. If nothing else, I see it widening the cutely termed information divide.


Clairebear takes flight

Wow, this show keeps getting better.

Hiro and Ando reunite. Love it. Nathan Petrelli chickens out. Pussy. We see Linderman and discover that he's really just a giant leprechaun. Mirror twins Jessica and Nikki are good at video games. Better than being good at rolling on the floor in a straight jacket....

Sylar pins people to the ceiling! God, he's so awesome. You know what he needs? A posse. All the other heroes are kind of banding together, sort of. Or at least have a common goal. Where are Sylar's henchmen? What's a uberpowerful sinister madman without a few henchies? And I know Mohinder is dripping down his walls but what about his namesake the lizard?

How do you feel about the shapeshifter? She's annoying and contrived. The special effects have been pretty good up to this point, I have no idea why they went all Star Trek with her. Let's hope she shapeshifts into a glass of water and gets drunk. ALL HAIL THE NEW EMPORER.

Then there's Claire. I liked Claire up to this point and I can see why her character, a teenager, would act selfishly but after all she's been through, you think she would act a little smarter. In the end, she's right back where she started so all that running and passport hijacking was a waste of time. We could have had more Hiro or thought policeman or even better, a new not sucky shapeshifting hero!

Also, RIP Simone. I hated you and your annoying pale eyeballs.

Kaze Hikaru

Kaze Hikaru
by Taeko Watanabe

"19th century Japan was not a peaceful place. During this period of social upheaval, a teenage girl (Sei) disguises herself as a boy in order to join the Mibu-Roshi. She is determined to revenge the deaths of her father and brother. The warrior group, which is ferociously loyal to the Shogunate and bushido code, is a perfect place for Sei. Going by the name Kamiya Seizaburo, she quickly develops feelings for her assistant vice-captain, Soji. In this shojo, romance takes a backseat to action. Volume 4 opens with Soji agreeing to kill the Mibu-Roshi captain. Sei is shocked to discover he follows through on his promise. After the new captain institutes a strict policy where seppuku is the punishment for even minor offenses, Sei begins to question her morals and loyalty. The historical aspect is well researched but readers without a base knowledge of Japanese history will be lost. For instance, some may miss the significance of Sei’s shaved head. However, the history is also the novel’s greatest strength. Sei lives under an interesting code, very different from modern ideals. The story will appeal to fans who followed its run in Shojo Beat. New comers will have to read volumes 1-3 before picking up 4. Where demand warrants, it’s a solid addition to teen collections"

Again, that was my official review. Personally, I hate this series. I can just watch that one Disney movie about that one girl warrior and save myself time. Sei has a weird shaved head that I can't get past. Sorry hardcore shaved head womens...

Also, the history is interesting but Sei spoils it by being stupid.


Most recent manga review - Buso Renkin

"Buso Renkin series and vol. 4
By Nobuhiro Watsuki

Plagued by bad dreams, Kazuki Matu sneaks out of his dormroom and gives his life to save a schoolgirl in monster trouble. He wakes up to discover the schoolgirl is actually an Alchemist Warrior and his life’s been replaced by a kakugane. In battle, the kakugane (now Kazuki’s heart) becomes a powerful weapon, a buso renkin. Together he and the girl, Tokiko, battle flesh hungry homunculi When he fails to save a man, the weight of death and his role hits Kazuki hard. That man becomes the flamboyant and outrageous homunculus Papillon, complete with skin tight costume and mask! Besides Papillon, Kazuki battles a league of unusual villains including Moonface and Dr. Butterfly. Lurking at school are the human but deadly Hayasaka twins. The creator of Rouroni Kenshin does not disappoint. The volumes are filled with battle after battle with lots of humor thrown in. The numerous flashback scenes might be confusing for novice readers but not enough to put the books down. In volume four, the series really picks up. Old characters become more defined; new characters are introduced. Kazuki struggles with his decision to become a full fledged warrior under the tutelage of the warrior chief, Captain Bravo. Tokiko fights her instincts. Dr. Butterfly plans his attack. The series is rated OT for violence, though compared to others it is quite mild. The language is censored but sexual innuendo is not uncommon. In one memorable scene the boys do compare sizes (the part in questions is never shown)! Overall, this is a fun series with high appeal. It starts off slow but shows great promise.'"

That was my official review. Personally, I love the humor in this series but the fighting is too much. It's long and drawn out - and even Watsuki himself admits that the buso renkin lance is too big. I love the Hayasaka twins but I'm always a glutton for ambiguous brother/sister relationships.

Most recent life lesson - Seasonal Candy

t's getting to be the rainy season in Georgia so I'm drinking tea with my montydog at my feet. It's a very domesticated scene, I'm telling you. I want to talk about two subjects. 1. Seasonal Candy and 2. AI

I did want to post a power point on Seasonal Candy but can't figure out how to do that. Basically, there are four prime points in the year. You have your Halloween - which is sort of meh because it generally consists of regular candy made up to look like seasonal candy. But an m & m with a pumpkin face is still a candy shell covered chocolate.

Then, you have Christmas which I tend to skip for homemade goodies which always ALWAYS top seasonal (with the exception of the greatest seasonal confection ever which we'll get to later).

Next, is Valentine's. God bless this saint. I love conversational hearts. All kinds, the sour ones, the chalky ones, the big chewy ones. And I don't care what anyone says, typing messages on candy - is clever.

Finally, comes the crux of the seasonal candy, um, season? Easter. This brings mini-eggs which one might argue is simply a Wopper but you are wrong. The added shell and cute suggestion that you are munching on baby robins roots it firmly in a seperate catagory. Then, the various forms of chocolate bunny, including my favorite, the white chocolate bunny. Have we mentioned Peeps yet? Mmmm, peeeeeppps. And finally, we come it. The jesus of seasonal candy - the Cadbury Egg. Is there anything better in the world??? It also has great commercials! A bonus!

Something is a bit amiss this year though. Danny got his first cadbury of the season when we noticed...it is much smaller than usual. What the fuck cadbury? I'm going to do a bit more research but this could warrent an angry letter. You should have at least a small stomache if not a full blown sugar meltdown after eating one of these and that tiny little shit egg seemed quite manageable.

Most recent AI - Ryan Seacrest has other Duties

Ryan congratulates Jennifer Hudson. And kudos, I guess. I didn't see that movie she was in. If Paula Abdul isn't involved I really don't care what happens to the "idols".

Has anyone ever caught the tour? Oh, it's inspiration week.

Phil Stacey dedicates his performance to his naval brothers. I said, naval! Perverts. He joined after 911. He's working on making this country a safer place by singing "i Ain't Missing You". He sounds pretty good. Too bad he looks like Yul Brenner on smack. I love this song - I'm not sure why. Danny just made a "don't ask don't tell joke"....classy. Paula slurs something about tonage, this promises to be a great night. Simon says his voice is unoriginal. I disagree.

Have I expounded on my hatred of the putting fingers in the air in correspondence to the number to call? No, well. The thing is - I KNOW what the number 4 is. You don't need to hold up four fingers for me to get it. I won't accidently vote for #5 if you don't hold up the appropriate amount of digits. In fact, last year I would only vote for the person who didn't hold up fingers.

Ew, the lounge room features a big gross wheel coffee table.

Jared Cotter gives it up to mom and his dad. Real original Jared. He's singing some Marvin Gaye - odd choice for a man who just dedicated his "idol journey" to his parents. *backstory for those of you who may not know - Marvin Gaye was shot and killed by his father* Oh, and "Let's Get it On", even stranger.... He doesn't sound black enough, no soul at all. Damn! Ok, I take it back, the final face rubdown was so dirty! Rowr! Do your mom Jared!

Paula is melting, literally. But she is funny with Simon. Ryan is wearing a flight attendant's uniform - I just noticed.

AJ Tabaldo - another mama's boy. Danny just said his dad looks like the Mexican from Sesame Street!! I can't understand him, he's totally flat but it sounds sort of weird and cool. Like, if you were in a dark club and got caught in the back rooms, maze area and began hearing the music and the party but can't find your way back then you run into a killer get your throat slit and then up beat brings Gil Grissom and his team of crackerjack CSIs to quip over your dead body. One thing is for sure - A.J. believes in layers, that way he can be comfortable no matter what the temperature.

Commercial break - ohmygod, how cute was a kid Hiro?

Sanjaya Malakar dedicates to his song to his grandfather who died when he was 5. He sings "Steppin Out" He's got some weird pimp hat. It doesn't suit him. And this song is too old. I think this is it for him. His voice is amazing but he's too timid and strange. Much better suited for peeping.

Chris Sligh - whaat? He's married? How old is this guy? Wow, his wife is very cute. Sweet. I have a soft spot for people who love their wives ;) He sings some song about being saved by a woman and sounds awesome. He doesn't over play it and just feels it. Love him. To quote Paula he's "real awesome".

I love the Slowski's commercials.

Nick Pedro gives it up to his girlfriend. They've been together for "awhile". I wonder if he'll propose on the show. He sings "Fever". Hard choice, it's easy to go cabaret on this song - whiiiiiich is exactly what he's doing.

Phone call!

So, I'm going to have to miss a few guys. Blake Lewis is next and I hate him with a burning passion.


Due to the difficulty of posting on myspace, as well as having to look at myself everytime I post - I have moved the blog to this location. It's mainly focusing on television of course, but it does contain some manga reviews, life lessons, etc.

I moved a few posts over to get comfortable - we'll begin next week with thoughts on Heroes.